How to Make Sure Your Voile Chic Hijabs Last a Lifetime!

How to Make Sure Your Voile Chic Hijabs Last a Lifetime!

Keeping your hijabs looking their best can be difficult, mainly because our favourites are often worn on a constant basis, which can make them appear older over time. However, there are ways in which you can store, treat, clean, and wear your hijabs so that they last you a lifetime. Your special Voile Chic hijabs deserve special treatment!

1. Storage 

 Having a good storage system for all your hijabs not only makes your life so much easier and more organized, but it also ensures that your hijabs are stored properly and are not damaged. We've compiled a couple methods in which you can store your hijabs for ultimate efficiency, with keeping a nice aesthetic in mind!

Multi-use hangers

 These multi-use hangers can be life savers when wanting to store hijabs in a space efficient way. They are hanging rings that can store all of your hijabs while using as little space as possible. Simply hang each hijab on a ring, and place the multi-use hanger in your closet with the rest of your clothes!

Where you can find this product: Ikea 

Clothing organizers


Another great way to store your hijabs is by making use of common organizers that are used for clothing. This method allows you to fold your hijabs, rather than hang them. Neatly fold your hijabs, and store them in these clothing organizers and admire how organized your hijabs will look! You can also get creative by colour coordinating your hijabs in each compartment, making it easier to find the hijab you are looking for.

Where you can find this product: Ikea

2. Handling

It is also important to note that the way you handle your hijab can affect the rate at which it begins to look older. Make sure to always be gentle with your hijabs, especially if the fabric is delicate. This includes folding the hijab properly if you are storing it in that way, or not tying the hijab too tight around the rings of your storage hanger. It also includes making sure you are gentle when wrapping the hijab, and not using inappropriate pins that will damage the fabric. 

3. Cleaning



Cleaning your hijabs can sometimes seem like a difficult and daunting task but it is essential if you want your hijabs always looking fresh and new! Each fabric has a slightly different way in which you should be cleaning it, however, we generally recommend that you hand wash your hijabs with mild soap. If you prefer to machine wash them, make sure the settings are on delicate to minimize any damage to the fabric. We have a whole blog post dedicated to cleaning Voile chic hijabs, specifically tough stains such as sweat, oil, food, and so on. Check it out!

4. Quality

Quality is a huge factor that affects the longevity of a hijab. Choosing hijabs that are high quality along with all the other factors mentioned above, ensure that your hijabs will last a very long time. Quality is super important and it is definitely something Voile Chic takes pride in. 


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