Do You Suffer From Hijabi Hair? 6 Tips Every Hijabi Should Know

Do You Suffer From Hijabi Hair? 6 Tips Every Hijabi Should Know

Is your hair not what it used to be? Dull, dry, limp, and thinning hair can all be caused by years of neglect under your hijab. As a hijabi, it’s often easy to adopt an out of sight out of mind attitude about your hair care. It doesn't have to be that way! Here are some everyday tips to help you combat the effects of hijabi hair. 

1. Let It Breath
Make sure to untie your hair after a long day under your hijab. Remove your hijab and let your hair loose. You can even massage your scalp to help get the circulation going and release natural oils. Remember, a dry, itchy scalp can lead to dandruff.

2. Well Balanced Diet
Beauty really does come from within. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and nutrients through diet and supplements that will help promote healthy hair growth. Speak to your physician about what is right for you.

Hijab Hair Care

3. Don’t Wash & Go
Avoid tying up your hair and wearing your hijab when your hair is still wet. Wet hair is more sensitive and prone to breakage, so tying it up tightly while wet will cause unnecessary tension to already weak strands. Not to mention, this can also lead to that dreaded D word – dandruff!  

4. Change It Up
One way to prevent a thinning hair line is to change your part from time to time. The same goes for your ponytails or buns. It is best to change their position and height so you are not constantly putting tension on the same spot when you tie it back. Another important factor is not to tie up your hair too tightly. If you are worried about your hair coming loose, a great solution is an under scarf to keep all your hair tucked neatly away.

5. Fabric Is Key
When possible, try to wear natural fibers that are lightweight. Natural fabrics are gentler on your hair and will allow your hair to breathe better. If you prefer synthetic fabrics be sure to use an under scarf to help protect your hair from any friction that may occur that could lead to breakage.

6. TLC
Us hijabis know how long we can go without a proper haircut or trim. Try to trim your hair regularly to get rid of dry and split ends. Also, don’t underestimate the power of brushing your hair. Brush your hair twice a day, not only does it detangle and keep your hair from getting knotted, it also helps stimulate blood circulation to your scalp. And hey, if you’re feeling adventurous treat yourself to a hair mask every now and then to help rejuvenate and moisturize your hair.

We want to hear from you! What's your hijabi hair care routine?


Stay Humble, 
Yusra S
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1 comment

I brush my hair three times a day. Yes I love hair cuts. I keep my hair cut. I least get it done twice a year.


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